Even electricity can be used to harm humans. We can also use it for the benefit of humanity.
We are on the side of benefit.
Policies for CTF Competitions, Ethical Hackers, Bug Bounty Participants, and Security Experts
All Users, Publishers, and Readers on Our Website are deemed to have accepted these terms.
Goal and Mission: This policy aims to increase digital security by collaborating with our organization's ethical hacker community. It also aims to support efforts to discover and resolve security vulnerabilities, creating a more resilient environment against cyber threats.
Scope: This policy covers procedures for reporting security vulnerabilities identified in our organization's systems and software, as well as the protection provided to ethical hackers.
Reporting and Conditions:
Ethical hackers must immediately report any security vulnerabilities they discover to the organization relevant to the competitions.
As much detailed information as possible should be provided about the vulnerability and the system or software where it was detected.
Ethical hackers should engage with the minimum required level of interaction to identify the vulnerability and should not exploit it.
If a vulnerability poses a potential risk to our organization's security and confidentiality, ethical hackers should provide a reasonable opportunity for our organization to address it before disclosing it publicly.
Protection and Good Intent:
Ethical hackers who report security vulnerabilities in good faith will not face legal actions or penalties as a result of their notifications.
As long as ethical hackers have the intention of assisting our organization, they should not engage in unethical or harmful activities.
Ethical Hacker Collaboration:
Our organization appreciates ethical hackers detecting and reporting vulnerabilities. Such determinations will be used to enhance the security of our organization.
Ethical hackers can contact cyberhatonline@gmail.com when they want to report the security vulnerabilities they detect to our organization if they are related to our system. If it is about an open, broadcast program, notify the relevant people on the relevant page.
If the security vulnerabilities detected by ethical hackers are related to our system, they will be handled confidentially and resolved as quickly as possible.
Security Competitions and Education::
Our organization may organize security competitions and training to promote knowledge and skills in the security field.
These competitions and training aim to improve the capabilities of the security community and raise awareness.
Details about events will be announced through [Website or Event Page].
Bug Bounty Programı:
In the future, our organization may launch a bug bounty program that offers rewards to ethical hackers based on specified conditions.
Details about the bug bounty program will be published on [Website or Bug Bounty Page] when the program is initiated.
Ethical hackers can report security vulnerabilities discovered within the scope of the bug bounty program according to the provided procedures.
User Responsibilities:
Ethical hackers should always operate within ethical and legal boundaries in all their activities.
Unauthorized access or attempts to attack our organization's systems or software are strictly prohibited.
Legal Disclaimer: This policy aims to encourage collaboration with our organization's ethical hacker community and promote security matters. However, all individuals who accept or operate as users have legal obligations and responsibilities. Our organization will not tolerate malicious or illegal activities.
Contact Information: For all communications and inquiries related to security matters, you can reach us at cyberhatonline@gmail.com.
Contact Information: You can reach us for all communications and inquiries at cyberhatonline@gmail.com.
Legal Disclaimer: This policy aims to encourage collaboration with our organization's ethical hacker community and promote security matters. However, all individuals who accept or operate as users have legal obligations and responsibilities. Our organization will not tolerate malicious or illegal activities.
Contact Information
You can reach us for all communications and inquiries at cyberhatonline@gmail.com